Legal Notice
«La Ruche en Seine» is a limited liability company, represented by Jérome Crépatte as the CEO.
Its headquarter is located at “Rolleboise, 5 route de la Corniche (78270)”
Its commercial offices are located at “Rolleboise, 2 Route Nationiale (78270)”
SIRET: 790 542 724 000 22
intra-community VAT: FR 09 790542724
Protection of personal datas
According to the French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law (Loi Informatique et Liberté) of 6 January 1978, the website visitors have a right of access and correction of personal data which they communicate to La Ruche on the site.
In such case please write your request to : “La Ruche en Seine – 2 Route Nationale 78270 Rolleboise”
Photos credits : Benoit Linero, Henrique Stahl, J. Faujour (ADAGP)
Contractual informations
Prices on the website are open to modifications and are not subject to contract.